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How to Make Teledentistry Work For You

It was not that long ago when the act of connecting with someone over a video call was something you'd only see in Star Trek. But, as technology grew more connected than ever before, science fiction became science fact and making a video call became so simple, a toddler could do it. Enter telemedicine. Telemedicine…

Cause-Marketing for Your Dental Practice

In the age of social responsibility, it is important that you incorporate some form of giving back into your marketing strategy. This is often referred to as cause-marketing, a strategy that implements supporting a cause as a way to elevate your brand’s public perception. People now show a strong preference for businesses associated with a cause…

2020 Website Trends

The essential components your website needs to stay relevant for 2020.  It is important to view your website as a dynamic marketing tool. Technology changes quickly and your website can begin to feel out of touch over time. New features and styles are unveiled all the time, and the digital world moves FAST...very FAST.  The…
Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing: A Decade in Review

Over the past 10 years, digital marketing has radically transformed how dental practices develop and execute marketing strategies. The days where you could effectively reach your patients through print, radio, billboards, word-of-mouth, and direct mail are long gone. Today, and for the future, your emphasis should be on reaching new patients through the digital world.…
Why Patient Care Is Your Best Marketing Tool

Why Patient Care Is Your Best Marketing Tool

While effective marketing is important, it’s only as good as your patient care. Your marketing efforts will be put to waste if phone calls go unanswered (or worse, the person who answers is unhelpful or rude). Patient care is becoming a key differentiator for business and over 50% of consumers have cancelled a transaction because…

click: How to Grow Your Business through Digital Marketing

click is a book I wrote as a resource for all things digital marketing. It’s 196 pages of advice, tools, and my own personal learnings. As the president of SmileShop Marketing and as a professional in the industry, I’ve learned the marketing difficulties many dental professionals deal with. I’ve compiled that understanding and created an…

Understanding Your Ideal Dental Patient

Everyone needs dental care, so doesn’t it make sense to market your dental practice to everyone? While everybody needs to see the dentist, it does not mean you should try and get every single possible person to visit your practice. In order to reach the best patients and offer the most profitable products and services,…

What We Do.

Your practice deserves a marketing partner that understands your unique challenges and goals. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to elevate an established practice, our tailored strategies—from websites and SEO to social media and digital ads—are designed to attract more patients and drive growth. Explore how we can help your practice thrive.

What We Do.

Just like no two patients are the same, no two practices are the same.

At SmileShop Dental Marketing, we understand that there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. That’s why we create customized marketing strategies that work for you and your business. We’ll help you choose the tools you need to connect with your audience, grow your practice(s), and achieve your goals. 




We can help with everything from brand refinements & logo designs to all-in-one brand packages for multi-practice organizations.

Digital Awareness Ads


Digital Awareness Ads

Get in front of the right audience. As a Google Premier Partner, our team offers unique insight into optimizing your digital awareness strategy.

Social Media Marketing


Social Media Marketing

Earn your audience’s attention with an elevated online presence. We use social media to tell your story, connect with your audience, promote engagement, & build loyalty.

Email Marketing


Email Marketing

Promote your offerings & stay top of mind with targeted content & unparalleled design. Our email experts send impactful content directly to your patient’s inboxes.

Search Engine Optimization


Search Engine Optimization

You show up for your patients every day—you should show up in search results too. Our adaptive SEO specialists help increase your visibility with the right audience.

Website Development & Strategy


Website Development & Strategy

Let’s turn visits to your website into visits to your practice. We’ll work with you to build a customized plan that represents your unique practice & helps you achieve your goals.

We can help with everything from brand refinements & logo designs to all-in-one brand packages for multi-practice organizations.

let us show you how

Get in front of the right audience. As a Google Premier Partner, our team offers unique insight into optimizing your digital awareness strategy.

let us show you how

Earn your audience’s attention with an elevated online presence. We use social media to tell your story, connect with your audience, promote engagement, & build loyalty.

let us show you how

Promote your offerings & stay top of mind with targeted content & unparalleled design. Our email experts send impactful content directly to your patient’s inboxes.

let us show you how

You show up for your patients every day—you should show up in search results too. Our adaptive SEO specialists help increase your visibility with the right audience.

let us show you how

Let’s turn visits to your website into visits to your practice. We’ll work with you to build a customized plan that represents your unique practice & helps you achieve your goals.

let us show you how

You Know Dentistry. We Know Digital Marketing.

A beautiful website is a great start, but is it enough to stand out from the crowd?

Our 1:1 relationship-driven approach builds on what works for your practice and reaches out to a larger audience—an audience that you want to connect with.

This is what makes us Patterson Dental’s preferred marketing agency; we’re a full-service digital marketing agency offering expertise and supporting growth across multiple channels and practices.

Your success is our success. Now, let’s get to work.

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