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Category: Marketing Science

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5 Steps to Paid Social Media Success for Dentists

Person holding smartphone with the Facebook log-in page open.

Paid advertising on social media has become an essential strategy for enhancing brand awareness and driving valuable leads. However, achieving success with your paid social media ads requires effective planning and execution. In this article, we will guide you through five crucial steps to ensure the success of your paid social media campaigns. Step 1: […]

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Why is Accessibility Important for My Dental Practice’s Website?


Accessibility is essential for modern web design. As a dentist, it’s important that all patients can find your website and access the information on it.  Not only should your website be accessible, but accessibility should be a priority when designing and building your website. This ensures patients with disabilities can still access oral healthcare. Additionally, […]

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Why You Shouldn’t Cut Your Marketing Budget During Economic Downturn

Why You Shouldn’t Cut Your Marketing Budget During Economic Downturn It’s easy to look at your financials and wonder if your marketing budget is something you need when people aren’t spending the way they used to. While cutting your marketing budget can seem like the quickest way to increase your cash flow during tough economic […]

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Data-Driven Dental Marketing: How to Evaluate Your Marketing Campaigns

Does marketing feel mysterious to you? Does it feel like you are throwing dollars into an unknowable void and hoping that new patients come out of it? You’re not alone. Historically, marketing has always been hard to measure. Who can say what’s really bringing in new patients; your sign out front, word of mouth, or […]

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Pay-Per-Click Advertising: Taking Your Dental Practice Beyond Search Engines

Search engine optimization has been the focus of so many small business’ marketing strategies over the last few years, and for good reason. SEO is an awesome way to get more eyes on your practice without necessarily having to advertise. But SEO relies on Google’s search algorithms which change all the time. If you don’t […]

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