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5 Steps to Paid Social Media Success for Dentists

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5 Steps to Paid Social Media Success for Dentists

Person holding smartphone with the Facebook log-in page open.

Paid advertising on social media has become an essential strategy for enhancing brand awareness and driving valuable leads. However, achieving success with your paid social media ads requires effective planning and execution. In this article, we will guide you through five crucial steps to ensure the success of your paid social media campaigns. Step 1: […]

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10 Steps to Amazing Email Marketing for Dental Practices

Blue background with a blue envelope. A black at symbol is printed on the front of the envelope and 3 black fishing hooks outline the envelope.

As a dental practice, you rely on effective communication to build relationships with your patients and keep your business thriving.  One of the most important forms of communication is email. Whether you’re sending appointment reminders, follow-up messages, or marketing materials, your emails need to be clear, concise, and professional.  In this article, we’ll provide you […]

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How to Get the Most Out of Your Dental Marketing


Your goal is to attract patients to your practice for their dental needs. It’s much easier to do that when your marketing is effectively managed.  With a plethora of marketing channels to choose from, it can feel overwhelming to create a marketing strategy for your practice that will reach the right people and bring them […]

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Why is Accessibility Important for My Dental Practice’s Website?


Accessibility is essential for modern web design. As a dentist, it’s important that all patients can find your website and access the information on it.  Not only should your website be accessible, but accessibility should be a priority when designing and building your website. This ensures patients with disabilities can still access oral healthcare. Additionally, […]

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Top 5 Medical Niches to Focus on in 2023


The dental industry is growing and choosing one or more medical niches to focus on can help you grow your practice by offering more services for more patients.  By expanding your practice’s services, you can attract more patients, more staff, and more revenue. The key is putting your resources toward the niche(s) that make the […]

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