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3 Key Points To A High-Performing Website

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A website is the most critical piece of marketing equipment that your dental office has working for it.  A powerful website not only provides your dental office’s first impression to new patients it is also the critical component to converting calls and online appointment requests.  

While websites are an integral marketing tool for your practice, it is imperative that you create your website with specific goals in mind. Here are the three main things you must consider to ensure you build a website designed to bring in new patients. 


Ensure your website is easy to use and navigate. A simple rule of thumb is that if it takes more than three clicks for potential patients to get where they need to go on your website, they will probably exit the webpage. Generally, you have 3 to 5 seconds to grab the attention of a potential patient once they land on your site. Ensure you design your dental website to be attractive and engaging – use the right colours, images, and textures that represent your brand. 

When it comes to design and function, make sure you design your website to convert visitors into new patients. Once a prospective patient lands on your home page, make it easy for them to access your contact page or a form to book an appointment. 


Make sure your content is original! You don’t want to be penalized for reusing content found on other web pages. Your potential patients must know that you are educated and knowledgeable about the industry. It is also essential to ensure the tone of the writing is consistent with your practice. When we work with you, our team conducts an in-depth questionnaire to ensure we understand the needs of your practice and the information you want to convey to prospective patients. 

It is also essential to build out key service pages with appropriate structure to properly support your digital marketing campaigns. As we previously mentioned, Google penalizes you for duplicate website content, so make sure you do not repeat exact website sections throughout different areas of your website. 


It is essential to create your website with multiple platforms in mind. Responsive/engaging mobile users, or any other device for that matter, is more important than ever for helping your practice rank on Google. When thinking about responsive design and content, you should always be thinking about device responsiveness and speed. 

Over 60% of people searching for your business are searching on their mobile devices, so ensure all of your written content, designs, and call-to-action buttons are easily accessible on all devices. `


At the end of the day, your website is a reflection of your practice and what your patients can come to expect. Ensure your website talks about who you are, the services you offer, and accurately represents your brand. 

We can help you create a stunning new website for your practice that is fast and will help you convert strangers into patients. Book a demo to learn more about how we can help. 

Check out the video below, where we’ll dive a little deeper into the three main factors you need to focus on when it comes to your practice website. 

Written by Lila Swiatylo

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