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3 Key Points to Building Brand Awareness for Your Dental Practice

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Dentistry is a very competitive space these days, and being well-known and respected in your local area represents a significant business-building advantage for any dental office. 

As a practice owner, you are likely familiar with the concept of printed mail campaigns as a way of introducing your dental practice to your local community or a targeted audience.  The goal is to engage the interest of potential new patients in your local area. 

Digital brand awareness building has the same purpose; however, the focus of these campaigns is usually more on specific services that are relevant to this target audience.  Also, there is always more performance data to track and measure return on investment with.   

While there are many differences between digital and print brand-building campaigns, there is one fundamental question that holds true for both, – How do you create a well-known, stand-out practice in your area?

 In this blog, we’ll walk you through three main points to help you harness the power of digital marketing to help you build more significant awareness for your dental practice.


Creating consistent and recognizable branding for your dental practice is a huge factor in helping your business stand out from the competition. Think about this right now: 

  • Does your practice have consistent branding?
  • Is your branding recognizable? Memorable? Current?

When a potential patient is looking for a new dental office, no matter what services you offer, they are looking for a practice they can trust and is up to date on best practices in the industry. 

Branding your practice consistently is a great way to give your potential patients a preview of what your practice is like and create consistent messaging that individuals in your area can recognize.

Targeting and Messaging on Point

When you start marketing, your first response may be to want to target everyone. Don’t do that! Targeting everyone online is not an effective use of your marketing budget, as you will end up wasting money on people who are not interested in your practice. 

Creating a defined audience is an essential aspect of ensuring marketing success and the overall brand of your dental practice. Know your target audience, and ensure you show the right message to them at the right time. For example, do you want to target children, adults, families? Where does your audience live? What is their target income level? 

The message you choose to show to your target audience should be clear and straightforward and include the benefits your practice can provide to potential patients versus the practice features.

Platform Choice

Once you have established cohesive and consistent branding for your dental practice and you know who your target audience is, it’s time for you to start reaching potential patients through digital marketing efforts. 

While there are many marketing platforms to choose from, here are the best places to start: 

  • Google Display Ads
  • Social Media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram
  • Geofencing ads

When creating ads to reach your target market, it is vital to ensure your branding and audience are on point to achieve your marketing goals. While defining who you are and who you want to reach can take time and effort, this will pay dividends in the end. 

Key Takeaway

There are several variables that your practice will need to consider when starting to develop your ad campaigns; however, one of the most important is understanding the vision of your practice and your target audience. 

Knowing the vision of your practice today and a year from now will help you work towards specific goals and gain more return on your marketing investment. 
When working with us, our team takes the time to understand your unique practice and goals. We’ll also help you develop specific quarterly and yearly targets and the best marketing tactics to get your practice there. Book a meeting with our team to learn more about how we can help grow your practice.

Check out our video with Dan and Ashley, where they walk you through the topics covered in this blog.

Written by Shaila Kanji

Shaila (or as we call her, Shy) is one of the Marketing Directors at SmileShop Marketing. Bringing her experience in digital strategy using a data-centric approach, she thoughtfully considers current marketing performance when making recommendations for her clients. When not working on something cool and exciting at SmileShop Marketing, you can find Shy planning her next trip abroad, checking out the latest restaurants with her hubby, or playing with her adorable puppy, Kyoto.

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